St John's church building:risk assessment




   St John's Church, Donisthorpe is in business:

  1. The church is open for private (individual) prayer  on Tuesdays-Thursdays 10am - 4pm.
  2. The church has re-opened for Sunday worship as well. Please check the calendar on this website as we are not returning to the regular pattern of services immediately. 
  3. We ask that people do wear face coverings as church is an indoor public space
  4. Funeral services can be held in church. Do speak to clergy as to numbers. Singing is now allowed in church but we ask that all remain masked when singing.
  5. Please sanitise hands on entry and be sensitive as to how close you stand and sit to others
  6. Weddings can  be held - speak to clergy about numbers as we still have to remian Covid secure

 The updated risk assessment for private prayer, Sunday services, weddings and funerals as at July 2021 /content/pages/documents/covid-risk-assessement-private-prayer-funerals-july-2021.docx and here /content/pages/documents/covid-risk-assessement-services-july-2021.docx

Much work and preparation has been needed to make this possible to reduce risk.   

Weddings protocol as at  May 2021 is here /content/pages/documents/covid-19-risk-assessment-weddings-may-21.docx

Forest Church /content/pages/documents/1609494635.docx

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