St John's transformation project



   A new heart for the whole parish

      Potentially the most important development in the Parish in the last 20 years! We have approval to revitalise St John’s Church, Donisthorpe into a new beating heart to focus community activity over the next millennia. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.    An ambitious project to use St John’s Church building both to continue to provide spiritual sustenance and to be open for use by the community for the benefit of many. We have already announced the glad tidings that after huge amounts of work and effort we have permission to alter completely the interior of St John’s, while keeping the exterior basically as built in the 1800s.

  The project isn’t to provide a church interior that just looks different but serves only for Sunday worship. It is to provide an exciting and enhanced new space for all to use: the school, clubs and more. It will benefit so many is many different ways. We’ve held to this vision to provide the community space ever since the church hall had to be closed in 2007.

  The challenge is to raise £500,000 to provide the area with this centre available for so many different people. We’re over half way there with the money from the sale of the church hall. Our desire is to raise the balance within the next 12-18 months.

   And we need your help! We want this to happen but need you on board too.

1.    Is there anyone who is good at videography who could make a promotional video for us? So that we can show you all exactly what is to happen.

2.    We have some limited funds left from money given for the repair and updating of the church hall – given over 15 years ago. We would like to use that money for this project. To that end we set out here a formal notice to change the use for this money

Parochial Church Council: St John’s, Donisthorpe

            Purpose for which money or other property was given: for the repair and upgrading of the Donisthorpe Church Hall, Church Street, Donisthorpe            

NOTICE is given that money and other property given for this purpose cannot be used for that purpose because:

·         In 2007, the church hall was closed due to the state of disrepair and insufficient funds were available to re-open it

·         The hall has been sold and converted into residential accommodation

            If you gave money or other property for that purpose you are entitled to claim it back. If you wish to do so you must tell Revd Vivien Elphick of The Vicarage, High Street, Measham DE12 7HZ within 3 months of the date of this publication. If you wish the money or other property to go to a similar charitable purpose and to disclaim your right to the return of the money or other property, you must ask the person named above for a form of disclaimer.

            If you do not either make a claim within the three months or sign a disclaimer, the Charity Commission may make a Scheme applying the property to other charitable purposes. You will still be able to claim the return of your money or other property (less expenses), but only if you do so within 6 months from the date of any Scheme made by the Commission.

            Date of this notice: June 19th 2021


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